Course Detail CLR 0011
Research Grant Writing Course
End Date 05/15/2020 
Other Info  
Course Notes This course will familiarize students with the basic elements and approach to writing grants. Students will select a research topic, develop a research plan, and write a grant application in the appropriate format of the PHS 398 form for submission to a funding agency. Each grant section will be presented to the class by the students for critique and discussion. Student evaluation is based on class presentations and the final grant application, which can serve as the student's thesis proposal. Grant applications for both investigator-initiated research projects (e.g., NIH R01, R03, R21) and mentored career-development awards (e.g., K12, K23) will be covered. Features of successful research grant applications will be presented and a description of the grant review process will be covered. The course also will cover the development of writing skills for publication and competitive grants, and explore principles of research strategy in the context of requirements of funding agencies. Effective scientific communication and writing skills are reviewed, institutional routing, and discussion of the NIH grant review process will be covered. 
Location Icahn SOM at Mount Sinai 
Seats minimum
Seats Offered 99 
Seats Available 54 
Course Credit 1.00 
TBD/TBD  09:00/17:00 
TBD/TBD  09:00/17:00